Saturday, November 27, 2010

2 Thanksgivings and 16 hours of work later:

It's been a long weekend. And it's not even over :D ! But I've had to spend most of it working, which isn't cool.
Reflecting my first Black Friday experience: People are batshit crazy. Seriously, let's all line up outside of Kohl's at one in the morning to grab shit and wait in line for another hour. Or two. And bitch at the employees for things that aren't their fault. I guess it's my job as a worker of the service industry to put up with bitchy people, but still. This is the start of the holiday season, people! Let's begin with a little empathy, please.
So after working an 8 hour shift (2:30 AM - 11 AM) I decided I was in need of some retail therapy myself. So I did some shopping. And bought some new clothes. And guess what? I feel better! It's amazing what new clothes do for your attitude. I can't wait to wear them.
I thought Thanksgiving at home this year was going to be awkward, for a number of reasons I'm not really at liberty to say. Let's just say I wanted to go home, but I didn't want to deal with all of the shit that came with it. I've found myself nostalgic for the way things used to be lately, especially when it comes to family sanctioned events. It's sad. I LOVE college, but I miss being normal. I'm not really sure how to say it. It makes sense in my head. Because being in college is normal - I'm just not sure if I like who I've become in college.
Why does stuff have to be so hard nowadays?
Ha. That's what she said. ;)

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