Monday, July 18, 2011

A Review of Thought Catalog Writers: Top Contributors Ed.

Ryan O'Connell (Ryan Ohh): Flaming, lovable, understanding. Better at describing your feelings than you are. You will have trouble finding a 20-something who does not enjoy his work. Writes joint advice column with fellow TC editor Brandon Scott-Gorrell (Dear Gay/Straight Dude). Article identifiers include how-to's, recipes and the overuse of #dark. Favorite articles: How To Tell If Somebody Loves You, but really, they're all gems. It would be unfair to name only a handful.

Brandon Scott Gorrell: Senior editor at TC (the big kahuna, guise), but overall fairly boring. Writes articles that revolve around YouTube videos (who watches those, really) and a lot of articles about what to do with quiet people (nothing?). Released a recent article with his "Relationship Resume". Srsly Brando? No one wants to date you for a reason. Okay, that was mean. But if this was high school, he'd be the kid that always shows up places without being invited. (I mean, he didn't even put funny on his resume! Who wants to date someone without a sense of humor?)

Kat George: The new Ryan Oh. Hilarious Australian chick living in NY. (You know her and Ryan Oh hang out on a regular basis). Articles include personal anecdotes that are extra hilarious because you read them in an Australian accent. Warning: Reading articles by Kat George may induce the feeling of wanting her to be your BFF. If you don't like reading about poop, you should probably stay away from Kat. Other than that, she's fantastic.

Chelsea Fagan: Funny girl, with red hair and cray-cray personality. Wrote a genius article de-faming "Slut Walk" (also removed from TC -- I just tried to link to it, and it seems that it doesn't exist anymore) that was quickly shunned by most of the internet and Ryan Oh himself. I, however, enjoyed it immensely and continue to enjoy her articles. They include lots of dry humor and blatant sexism -- refreshing.

Stephanie Georgopulos: A light blend of Ryan Oh and Brandon Scott Gorrell -- relatable and consistent, but still funny and not-boring. For a while, I got her and Kat George mixed up, but that line was quickly defined when Kat started climbing the TC ladder. Catalogs a lot in Life and Internet, and sometimes love. Her articles are almost always a 'hit', having some sort of redeeming quality about them. And no, I don't know how to pronounce her last name either.

Oliver Miller: Oh, how I love the name Oliver. He first caught my attention when he published an article about his name -- "Oh look, a boy named Oliver!" And then kept my interest when he published his article about alcoholism. When an author puts so much personal into an article, I'm inclined to do research (read: Facebook stalk), and I was pleased with the results. For some reason I thought he was single -- maybe an article I misunderstood? Obvii, since I can't find it now. Anyhoo, he's cute.

Leigh Alexander: A hit and miss. Sometimes she posts amazing articles like Letter From The Modern Day Courtesans and other times she posts total flops that have to do with comics. WTF, Leigh? Must read: On Intimacy.

Dan Hoffman: Wait, what? This guy has 117 posts? Who is he again?


  1. Dude, the poop article is the BEST. I've never laughed so hard.

  2. what about megan boyle, tao lin, jimmy chen

  3. megan boyle, tao lin, and jimmy chen are the among the most substantive authors TC publishes

    your lack of notice/regard for their presence is telling

  4. Megan Boyle, Tao Lin and Jimmy Chen are all excellent writers, and this is by no means an actual review of people's writing. Let's face it, this was just an excuse to flaunt my love of Thought Catalog, and while all 3 are excellent writers, they are not in my favorites.

    I apologize for any hurt feelings, but it was not intentional.

    Sidenote: "your lack of notice/regard for their presence is telling", well, so is your tone. If you don't like it, leave.

  5. Not to mention that it says "Top Contributers Edition" right in the title.

    Your failure to notice that is telling.

  6. Hilarious and spot on!
