Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First real-life concert experience

Was a little disappointing. Given, I was there with an awesome guy, but the concert itself was shitty. In my opinion. First of all, I didn't know any of the bands. When they started playing, it was apparent why: Screamo. Seriously, these people consider this music? I mean, whatever floats your boat, but this was a little ridiculous. We got there in time to see the last song of one band, and then two other bands. The sad part is that they all sounded the same. To me, at least. I should point out that I was trying, really, really hard to have a good time. I really was. I was trying to get into the music, I swear. But I was just embarrassed, to tell you the truth. I really didn't fit in there. Like, at all.
So I decided that concerts were better for people-watching than actually listening. It just makes me wonder where these kids' parents are. First of all, it was a Tuesday night. What kind of parent would let their child go to a screamo concert on a Tuesday night? Not my parents. That's for sure. At least not when I was their age. Which was like 12.
I also decided that I have a hard time taking people at concerts seriously. There's the people that are there to fucking JAM OUT, right up next to the stage, where they attempt to grab the lead singer (who, by the way, hasn't washed his hair in over a month), or there's the people in the back, looking like fucking pricks who are too cool to jam out.
Overall, the entire experience was just awkward. But whatever. I had fun. *Cringe*

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