Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nutella = Love

I hate it when girls validate other girls' behavior to guys. You know. Your best guy friend comes to you with girl problems and you agree with him on every front. Yeah, the girl was a bitch, she's bipolar, she's psycho -- whatever. When you, as a girl, have done that very same thing. Dumped a guy simply because you're bored, but you've come up with a reasonable explanation, and you tell him that. In fact, in your mind, you have done him a favor by not letting it get too far. But that girl that he goes to will just validate everything, instead of doing him a real favor and saying "Maybe she's just not that into you." I know when I was having problems with members of the opposite sex, all it took was for someone to say that to me. And then everything clicked into place. And I thought, "Why didn't anyone tell me this earlier?" It didn't make it any easier to get over them AFTER the fact, but it would have saved me some heartbreak if they had told me before.

Whatever. Just one more reason to hate girls.

Sidebar: Everyone thinks they're the exception. They're not.

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