4-week-long intense term. The trimester's retarded cousin. I'll be taking ENV 200: Nature and Culture. The good news is, I've already read one of the books on the reading list. The bad news is, I've already read one of the books on the reading list. I have a feeling these 4 weeks are going to go by really fast.
Also, I'm taking yoga, which is based out of the Caldwell YMCA. As opposed to normal YMCA people watching which always consists of obese and middle-aged white people, we can add Mexicans to that mix. AWESOME. I don't know about you, but I can't wait. I also get 6 free "family passes" which means I can take Maria to 6 classes with me. Water aerobics here we come!
I also need to find time to read these. (But not necessarily in this order) :

WOO. I'm so excited.