Sunday, April 24, 2011

That's it, it's all over.

It's weird that the show is over. Of course, every day passing is full of moments that I'll never get back, but when it's defined in such clear terms, like the ending of a show, it always seems so much more important. This experience is so completely unique and I'll never get it back -- that's what's scary. All of this was so fleeting. Back at the beginning of the term Mike told us in Stagecraft that we'll have to strike the show at the end of April and I distinctly remember thinking, wow, that's so far away. It will take forever to come.

But here I am. I just came from striking the show.

Of course, back then I had no idea where I'd be. I didn't know that I would be in the show, and I didn't know how much it would mean to me. How much these people would mean to me.

Because of rehearsals, I kept missing out on things like bowling night, St. Patrick's day, and Ms. C of I, but to me those sacrifices were worth it. I was making the sacrifice for something that I absolutely LOVE, and that's what's important. Hearing all of the seniors talk about their graduation plans, and everything that they're going to do is so exciting. I get excited for them.

Of course, as an actor, you take away something from every show that you're in, every role you play. This one in particular was kind of ironic, because it's all about wondering about our purpose in life, and how everyone seems to be in on the joke but us. My favorite quote was from one of Rosencrantz's monologues:
"Before we know the words for it, before we know that there ARE words, out we come, bloodied and squalling with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there is only one direction, and time it's only measure."

It's a great quote.

I'm really sad to see this come to a close, but alas. Everything comes to a close, we just don't always realize it.

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