Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Stumble Day

Because I have nothing better to do.

Quote of the weekend:
"Want to go to lunch?"
"I don't want to date you."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

2 Thanksgivings and 16 hours of work later:

It's been a long weekend. And it's not even over :D ! But I've had to spend most of it working, which isn't cool.
Reflecting my first Black Friday experience: People are batshit crazy. Seriously, let's all line up outside of Kohl's at one in the morning to grab shit and wait in line for another hour. Or two. And bitch at the employees for things that aren't their fault. I guess it's my job as a worker of the service industry to put up with bitchy people, but still. This is the start of the holiday season, people! Let's begin with a little empathy, please.
So after working an 8 hour shift (2:30 AM - 11 AM) I decided I was in need of some retail therapy myself. So I did some shopping. And bought some new clothes. And guess what? I feel better! It's amazing what new clothes do for your attitude. I can't wait to wear them.
I thought Thanksgiving at home this year was going to be awkward, for a number of reasons I'm not really at liberty to say. Let's just say I wanted to go home, but I didn't want to deal with all of the shit that came with it. I've found myself nostalgic for the way things used to be lately, especially when it comes to family sanctioned events. It's sad. I LOVE college, but I miss being normal. I'm not really sure how to say it. It makes sense in my head. Because being in college is normal - I'm just not sure if I like who I've become in college.
Why does stuff have to be so hard nowadays?
Ha. That's what she said. ;)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bored on a Sunday morning

I had a great weekend, surprisingly productive. I judged for a high school debate tournament all Saturday and earned a good 50 bucks. I decided I wasn't very good at it, but I had fun anyway. It was also initiation day for the Delts, so I went and congratulated them on making it through D-week with their dicks and dignity intact (pun intended). And then I still managed to get up early today to do my homework. But the remainder of my homework needs to be printed off, and seeing as how the library doesn't open for another half hour I thought I would spend some quality time Stumbling.
And then I stumbled across an article about an interactive public art display in NY this summer. This is one of my favorites:
For some reason I just really like it.

EDIT: The library doesn't open til 1. Add 1 hour to time spent stumbling.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter 7, and a multitude of other thoughts.

It's going to be epic. And I really, really love my school for getting us free tickets and an entire theater to ourselves. What more could I ask for? Not much, that's what.
On another note, I'm trying really, really, hard to finish my paper that's due tomorrow. Basically, I have until 10 o'clock to finish it, because that's when buses start loading to Edwards. In the middle of which, I have to work the door for the drama department's production of The Passage, which, despite riveting summary, doesn't look all that appealing. How exciting can you make Moby Dick? "Not very" is my prediction.
But really, my life is going to be a lot easier after today. I realized when I was eating lunch how much I just wanted to be able to sit around and do absolutely nothing. How gratifying it would be to not have to worry about a paper or reading that is due in a never-long-enough amount of time. This paper is ruining my whole Harry Potter let's-get-psyched experience, really raining on my parade. And the killer is that it's been doing this all week, its only today that I've actually found the motivation to sit down and write it. And what do I do instead? Take a Facebook quiz to see which Mean Girls character I am and write a blog post.
T-minus 7 hours to pump this shit out. LET'S GOOO!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I had a fabulous day.

It started off well. I woke up refreshed, even after getting to bed ridiculously late last night. I stopped at Dutch Bros for the first time this morning on my way to work, and decided that's the only way to have coffee. I went to work and got 4 credits, which is the only time that I've ever filled my shift quota - one per hour. Then I talked to my best friend up in Moscow the entire way home, and a good 20 minutes in my room. I went to dinner with some of my best friends HERE and had a delicious chicken-cheese quesadilla, only to discover that it was curly fry day. Then I made this wonderful masterpiece.

And then I watched Harry Potter and made Nutella brownies with my friends.


Also, I have this sweet bruise from giving blood.

Update: My bruise is turning cool colors. :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

On rediscovering my love for The Killers:

I've forgotten how much I love them and how amazing they are.

Friday, November 12, 2010


And guess what that means! I have to work in the morning :( Haha, not to be a total buzzkill, but that's my reality right now (Seriously, Kohl's? Don't worry, I never wanted to be a normal college student anyway. Go ahead and keep scheduling me for 6am shifts). It should be especially horrendous, considering how poorly I've been sleeping lately. I've never been so sick that it effects how I sleep (I'm a heavy sleeper, just in general), other than the occasional waking-up-with-chapped-lips-because-you-breathe-through-your-mouth routine. For the past 2 nights, however, I've woken up several times. It's a charming experience, really. I find a big puddle of drool where my head just was and my nostrils are stuffed to the point of suffocation. You know, when the side of your nose you've been sleeping on is all clogged, because all of your snot and shit drains to that side? And I'm sure it's really attractive when I'm forced to stick a tissue in my nose because the snot drips like I'm having a bloody nose.

AWESOME. I love being sick. NAWT.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'm dedicated now, I promise.

In light of reading some of my new-cool-college friends' blogs, I've decided I can really do this. You know, post things other people care about. Because I've realized, it doesn't matter if other people like these posts, or even read them, because it makes me feel better. I'm clever, and keeping all of my witty thoughts to myself seems like a crime. Okay, not really. But seriously. I have funny shit to say sometimes.
Not today, though. I just have some light to shed on my college experience so far. Kind of.

I must say, before coming to college I never fully appreciated the seasons. Being stuck inside a building for 7 hours a day kind of hinders that ability. But I've watched Summer turn to Fall, and Fall is slowly turning into Winter. And I love it, because I feel like I finally have been able to appreciate each season in full glory. Summer on the college campus, for example, was filled with slacklining and hanging out on the quad. Those were good times, laughing, listening to good music, and trying to hide our pit-stains. Then, slowly, it started to turn to Fall. I marveled in the ability to observe the same path that I walk every morning as it changed. Fall consisted of therapy walks with my friend, Cydney. She's a bit of a health nut and likes to walk everywhere, but I can't think of a better way to appreciate crunchy leaves in October. They also did wonders for my mental health since she obsesses over everything like I do-it was mutually beneficial.

Well. This is me attempting to post on a regular basis. I guess it will depend on how often I have to put off World-Civ papers. :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Facebook Stalking 101: How to find out everything you never needed to know

One of the best aspects of our internet-based society is the gratuitous amount of information you can glean from social networking sites. Profiles can provide enormous insights to everyone in your social circle, from future love interests, to estranged children. This commonality has become widely known as “Facebook Stalking”. As an avid Facebook stalker, I feel I can provide several insights to the phenomena that has become Facebook stalking.
Facebook stalking may seem like a daunting task for those who haven’t done it before. You might think that it requires an extreme amount of stealth and creativity, when in reality all you need is an extreme case of boredom and shameless curiosity. Here are some tips and hints from one of Facebook's best and brightest.

• Watch every video they’ve posted, and follow all links. Feel free to Google quotes that you do not immediately recognize. These could end up being from their favorite television show, movie, or band. Upon discovering where the quotes come from, become the expert on that specific subject. Chances are, they relate to videos or links they have posted previously. Knowing random facts about their favorite band or TV show will give you a conversation starter for when that little green light appears next to their name in Facebook chat.

• Follow your victim’s activities on other people’s pages. Do they comment or post on one person’s wall a lot? Follow the link. Is it funny? Irritating? Generic?

• Another helpful hint when trying to get to know someone from their profile is looking at their information page. What beliefs or political stances do they have posted? Are they listed as a conservative and have several quotes from Rush Limbaugh under “Favorite Quotations”? These small details can paint a picture of your victim that you might have not seen otherwise, or in some cases, reaffirm what you already know. In any case, small details like this work as great conversation starters.

With all of these tips, I bet you’re just itching to get started. However, you’re a little stumped on who to Facebook stalk—no worries, I have here a list that can help you get started.
• New boyfriend/girlfriend? Stalk their exes. You never know what pictures or posts might be kept hidden under “Older Posts” (aka, a year or so ago). Also check out siblings. That way, when they start talking about their family you can put a name to the face; maybe even bring up a recent status update.

• New potential boyfriend girlfriend? Stalk all available outlets. Friends who frequently post on their wall, tag them in pictures, etc.

• Current crush taken? Stalk THEIR boyfriend/girlfriend. Private profile? No problem. Look for listed siblings or parents whose profiles aren’t as private, then look for pictures from family sanctioned events, like weddings and vacations.

Provided a list of things TO DO, I feel it is only fair to provide a list of what NOT to do. So here you are.

• DO NOT like or comment on every single one of their posts.

• DO NOT like or comment on every single one of their pictures.

• DO NOT like or comment on anything that is older than 2 days.

The only time that you should feel free to like or comment as much as you want is when it appears on your news feed. If you comment on anything older than that, you’re being a Facebook stalker—and not in a good way. The key to Facebook stalking is knowing everything about a person WITHOUT them knowing you’re doing so. As soon as you like or comment on something that is, say, 3 months old, it is clear that you’ve been clicking the “Older Posts” button, which is just plain creepy.
After all that, the one question I’m sure you’re all asking yourself is, “What do people see on my profile?” The truth is, a lot. As soon as I got into Facebook stalking, the first thing I did was go to my privacy settings and make everything as private as possible. Now, if you want to see my pictures, wall posts, or information, you have to friend me first, making me virtually unstalkable to those who do not know me (all friends are fair game). That being said, the most frustrating thing to come across when Facebook stalking is someone’s profile that is completely private.