- Going to the same family friend's house I go to every year, where I will eat mostly desserts off of paper plates.
- Playing numerous card and/or board games, all of which I will neither win nor lose, but land somewhere in the middle.
- Making forced small talk with people 3 times my age, topics ranging from school to my current relationship status.
- Tweeting.
- Texting. A lot. Specifially, my long distance boyfriend who is currently in PA. He tried to bribe me with a cat video for dirty pictures earlier. I didn't give in.
- Leaving aforementioned family friend's house no later than 11, when everyone's eyes start drooping.
- Going to sleep.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Answers to the question "What are you doing New Years, New Year's Eve?"
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
New Year's Resolutions
Monday, December 12, 2011
I started keeping up this blog last year at this time because I was going through some rough times. It was a coping mechanism that turned out to work quite well. The very foundations of where I had placed my faith were being shook--things that I thought were guaranteed, weren't anymore. And because something I had believed to be concrete and stable went awry, and I began to question everything in my life. If my thoughts on this (which I had held for a long time) were wrong (or being doubted) then how did I know that the other things I believed true were right? When my introspective confidants had disappeared (for whatever reason), this blog took their place.
Which explains why I haven't written something of significance in a long time. The need for that reflective process is gone. I'm kind of sad about it, but kind of not. I mean, time goes by, things change, and there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop it. As the past year has shown me (more than any), people come and go, things will change, but time continues.
So I mean, I'm alive, but that's pretty much all you need to know.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The light at the end of the tunnel is there!
I was worried, but it's definitely there now. Rehearsal went infinitely better tonight than it did the night before.
It's kind of weird, how pretending (basically) can ruin my entire day, and the whole day after. As Cyd said today-- "Acting is hard! People really don't give it the credit it deserves. It's actually really, really difficult." Why yes, Cyd, yes it is.
Phew. That was scary. But I'm back now! Promise.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
In a Funk
I can't even adequately explain how I felt. Hollis was in my grill. I understood what she was telling me and the kind of reaction she was trying to get, but I couldn't translate it to my character, or the scene. Of course, the irony there is that April doesn't like to "go" there either--she is, after all, fighting to stay invulnerable, and I like to do that too. I'd rather play her from afar, and not get so into it that I burst into tears.
And it wasn't even worth it, because when we ran the scene after the whole ordeal it wasn't nearly as explosive.
After I start crying I just can't stop. (At least when the cause for tears is so ambiguous, like it was last night). I was on edge for the rest of the night. And then, when Hollis told us she couldn't do anything more with us because our lines were so horrible, I just couldn't hold it in. I knew her comment wasn't directed at me but I couldn't help it. I felt like I had let her down. She had just spent all of this time with me to get this scene perfect, but I couldn't even carry the changes through. Try as she might, she couldn't break through to me. And even after she did, and I started crying and yelling, I just built up the wall between April and me even higher.
I'm just at such a loss right now. I can cheer up for a little bit, I can start feeling less stressed, but in the end, I go back to feeling like this. I feel like April is slipping through my fingers. Like when you grab jello, and the harder you grab, the more it keeps slipping. I feel powerless.
I'm really over the show at this point. I feel like I could walk away and not have any feelings of remorse. I know this feeling is temporary, but it's really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel at this point.
I've lost my connection, and I need to get it back--I just don't know where to find it, or where to even start looking.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
How to get back together with your ex
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
It has occurred to me that this is what love is.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
"I just miss the way things used to be. I miss having a steady boyfriend, I miss being able to tell my mom stuff, and I miss my dog.I hate looking at my walls lately, because all they do is remind me of what I wish I could go back to. And I hate looking at Facebook, because I see how much fun Ryan is having, and I wish I could be there sharing that with him."
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Hello, sophomore year.
- I moved into my double in Voorhees.
- I went to Judicial Board training.
- I moved out of my double in Voorhees and into a single in Anderson (thank god).
- I auditioned for The Hot L Baltimore and got the part of April Green (who is SO CLEARLY a prostitute -- this should be fun)
- I'm actually on top of my homeowork this year?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Endless Summer (?)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Fulfilling My Civic Duty

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Follow up of 'A Review of TC Writers: Top Contributors Ed.'
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
This article is perfect in all the right ways.
"You are laughing, laughing so hard I can’t see through my tears, laughing so hard I need to sit down for a moment. You are the happy ache in my side from laughter that comes in gales and waves and only gets worse as you try to stop it. You are that moment when I’m being held down and tickled and legitimately wondering if anyone has ever died from being tickled too hard. You are the cries of “Stop it!” that can barely be understood through the squeals of open laughter."
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Review of Thought Catalog Writers: Top Contributors Ed.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Summer Projects

Thursday, July 7, 2011
The hardest, and best part of Loving Someone.
"Somebody loves you if they call you out on your bullshit. They’re not passive, they don’t just let you get away with murder. They know you well enough and care about you enough to ask you to chill out, to bust your balls, to tell you to stop. They aren’t passive observers in your life, they are in the trenches. They have an opinion about your decisions and the things you say and do. They want to be a part of it; they want to be a part of you."
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A quote from Eliot Rose's "A Love Letter From My Hands to Yours"
Friday, June 24, 2011
Fires, pineapples and cops, oh my!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Again, my life = made.
Birthday Wishlist
- A kitty.
- A hot man.
- A shopping spree.
- To live somewhere that it is accepted (and reasonable) that I ride my bike everywhere.
- This place also preferably has a beach.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My future online dating profile
Original thoughts of mine are very rare, and when they come they will probably make you laugh your ass off. What I will do, though, is steal other people’s jokes I think are funny and then deliver them in a terrible way that will ruin them, because I’ll already be laughing at the punchline I’m thinking of but can’t say. I’m on this dating website because I’m a little bit crazy, a little bit funny, and a little bit attractive. I’m aware of the absolute contradiction of my high standards, and am not willing to budge on them. I will not go to the gym, but expect you to. I will not skimp out on late-night dessert or white bread, and will look down on you if you do, simultaneously expecting you to stay fit. I’d rather die fat and happy than skinny and angry (let’s face it, I’d love to die eating my favorite foods a size 6 but we both know that’s not going to happen)(also, I totally stole that joke from someone. See what I mean?). I’m probably going to laugh at you when you do something romantic, and I probably will make you watch a lot of tv with me. I will hog the covers and keep the room we sleep in very cold, for comfort’s sake. I refuse to get up before 10 on a day when I have no obligations, and will not tolerate loud noises before then. I expect you to validate my feelings when they need validation and challenge them when I’m wrong. Believe it or not, I do want a differing point of view every once and a while, but when (and only when) I want it. I want what I want when I want it. I will take out my anger on you and apologize for it later. I don’t have a lot of baggage, and am pretty easy going. I don’t like making decisions, but will if forced. I will judge you for using poor grammar and will not text you back if you use “u” as a replacement for “you” and/or don’t use punctuation.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Jack is cute but kind of emotionally crippled

A few months ago we went to Missouri and brought back 2 dogs. Now it is important for you to understand their upbringings in order to understand their behavior. Lulu is a little white fluffball who grew up at my aunt’s house, with 3 children, an older lab, and lots of fun and attention. Jack grew up at my grandmother’s house, who was dying of cancer at the time. You can already guess their different temperaments. When she DID die, my aunt adopted Jack (even though my grandma specifically said Jack was to go to our family) on the premise that the siblings should stay together. When we visited Missouri for my grandma’s funeral, I coddled Jack. I felt sorry for him! How could you not? Plus, he was adorable. Both of these dogs are very tiny, and very cute. Lulu always got the most attention because she was very lovey and easygoing. Jack, on the other hand is anxious, and his bony hips get in the way of cuddling most of the time.
Anyway. So we took these two dogs off of my Aunt’s hands this year, and I have to say, Jack has become a bit of an emotional drag. He’s anxious all the time, and will never jump up on your lap. He comes up to you on the couch, puts his front paws on your lap, like he’s asking. And when you say, “Come on Jack-Jack!” and pat your lap in encouragement, he turns around and sits down. Not a big deal when I’m on the couch, I just reach down and pick him up. But when I’m on my bed and he goes down to my feet and does the same thing, I can’t quite reach him. So I try to coax him over to my hand, so I can pick him up, and he doesn’t come. He’s sitting on a pillow, so I pull the pillow over towards me to reach him, but frightened by the sudden movement, he promptly hops off. You can see how frustrating this becomes. He requires constant emotional reassurance and coaxing, something I’ve never been good at. It was cute when I didn’t live with him, I was willing to pick him up and put him outside. But now when I’m trying to get him to go out with the rest of the dogs, his inability to understand “come” or “go outside” start to get on my nerves.
Edit: As I post this Jack is being scolded for peeing. Poor baby. I wish he was potty-trained.
Why you so obsessed with me...
I bet he's sitting around a table snorting pills/coke with all of his friends and he's like, "Ohhhh em geeee, you guys. These kids from Idaho are totes obsessed with me. It's cute in the way that it makes me happy that they like my writing, but it also gets kind of annoying. It would bother me more, but they live in Idaho and I don't imagine there's much to do there."
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Well, there you have it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Ryan Oh could actually maybe come into my life in a very big way
Monday, May 16, 2011
2 ¢
Monday, May 9, 2011
Why I love Thought Catalog
Sunday, May 8, 2011
I usually hate remakes but...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
It's May.
- Spring. Aka, shorts, tanning, and shirtless men.
- The end of my freshman year. (OHMAGAWW)
- Finals.
- Packing.
- Modest Mouse.
- Iron & Wine.
- Graduation.
- Spring Fling.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
That's it, it's all over.
"Before we know the words for it, before we know that there ARE words, out we come, bloodied and squalling with the knowledge that for all the compasses in the world, there is only one direction, and time it's only measure."
It's a great quote.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My life = made.

Monday, April 18, 2011
Take me to the place I love, take me all the way.
- Mentally stimulating, conversations consist of witty banter, fast and fun, but quickly burn out and don't last long, attraction reciprocated and acted on almost immediately, spans over a couple of weeks, months at most.
- Oblivious of hotness, doesn't quite have game yet, an elementary-type pursuit that consists of a large "infatuation" phase where nothing serious happens for a long time, conversations are short and vague/analyzed to the point of nonexistence, can span over months or years.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
This is what I want to do. Now, I’m sure of it. I’ve never felt more inspired, felt more loved or as happy as I am after an evening of rehearsal. It’s the lights, hot on my face and the exchange of energy from my fellow actors to the audience, and back to me. I feed off of that rush I get when I walk on stage.
It’s not even all about performing. It’s about transforming into someone else, even if it’s just for a couple hours. It’s about discovering new parts of myself that I didn’t know were there until I saw them through someone else’s eyes.
This is my runner’s high. My adrenaline rush. I’ve never felt so alive.
This could be one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.
I’ve found my passion.
This is what I want to do.
But, these people, this experience, is all so fleeting. I only have 7 more shows to prove myself. 7 more opportunities that I will only get once. I need to make each of them count. 7 more performances, unique each of itself. None will be exactly the same.
They will all blur together, but all stick out, at the same time.
This is what I want.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Plant Killer and Dog Lover
Saturday, March 26, 2011
PicNik Photo Editor

Friday, March 25, 2011
Spring Break
"So let’s say you do the dance and meet Ms. (or Mr.) Right. You fall in love with her. But beneath that, you realize that old habits die hard. Fears begin to surface. You believe that you’re hardwired to act a certain way, and that it’s expecting too much for someone who doesn’t owe you a goddamn thing to wait around for you to change. You’re going to hurt her and she doesn’t deserve it. You want to do the right thing, but you keep shooting yourself in the foot. You’re a fuck up and you don’t deserve the kindness that she’s showing you. You act ugly."
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Have you ever wondered about my love life?
I Love You. I’m Hungry, Let’s Get Something to Eat…
Fuck unrequited love.
The gnawing. The possessive desperation. The ache of unknowing, worsened only by the slow-dying thud of knowing for sure. The over-commercialized but no less real feeling that you will die, you will just DIE.
Now before we go on, let me clarify whom I’m talking about here, for the sake of the ‘piece’. I am not talking about those poor sods that sit scribbling over spell check nightmare love letters, little devotee tears pooling in their love-lacquered eyes. Spewing forth all the emotions (every little itty-bitty one) from their mussed-up heads down to their radiating feet, only to be so callously rejected with an inarticulate, “Um I just don’t see you that way.” Oh no. This is the case of the sadder. Whoever is in the path of this gushing love. The withstander of the adoration.
I am talking about me. (Or you if you feel the need to implant yourself into the story to enjoy it).
But the poor sods, I hear you puzzling, with that head tilt and bottom lip stuck out, “Are the ‘lovers’ not the ones who deserve our consideration, our condolence?” Shit no! No sympathy need be shared. They’ve got love in their hearts and fire in their bellies! Enough emotion to pen seven moleskine journals in one summery park afternoon! They are living the goddamn dream! Beloved me on the other hand…
Well, I may be that dream, but I am certainly not living it.
And this proves to be a pickle.
Because, well, although the initial splash of ego-boost is rather glorious, the incessant run of saccharine words get old and soggy and all that is left has gone rather dry and sticky and is peeling off around my eyelids.
And it is around this point that you start to wonder about your admirer. You are uncertain of their sanity. You scrutinize the loss of lucidity in their glassy, idolising eyes. You doubt their downright sensibleness. Your gorgeous, brilliant amazingness has become… their crazy. Squinting at yourself in the mirror you try to understand. You are quite passable. Pretty even, in the right light. You are intelligent and can make a decent joke. You have ‘style’. But… no, it’s not quite possible, this extent of adulation, you think, fingering the light hairs around your belly button that may even be in need of a pluck if you gave a bit of a fuck. Uneasiness pools as expectations grow. Anxiety swells. Your unsettled tummy balloons with apprehension as you realize that no one is as excellent as the woman that is being described to you as yourself. Bloody hell, you don’t even flush the toilet after making a pee anymore!
Love, you conclude, has turned the boy mad.
But still, you question yourself. Your reasons. Your doubt. Your straightforward ‘no’. This silly man’s obsession has now made you challenge your legitimate feelings. He believes it is because you are not ready. You are frightened of intimacy because of your childhood rejections. You aren’t allowing yourself to love. Maybe now is not the right time but… it will be.
The interrogation begins:
Should I..?
Could it..?
A chance..?
Just high standards..?
Yes, but God won’t be happy if you settle for less.
There are sit-down talks. (They are tiresome.) There are separations. (They don’t last.) There are tears. (They aren’t yours.) There are awkward reconciliations. (They are selfish and stunted.) There are ultimatums. (I thought we weren’t in a relationship here?)
The friendship that you thought somewhat durable is now not only showing fault lines but has actually collapsed quite completely beneath you, and you are left hunched on the passionless heap, your unimpressed hand squashed into your unimpressed face. You have to prudently back the fuck out, it seems, because your charming presence is just too much for your admirer to bear. The real you must withdraw just a little bit; not talk about your body or your feelings on your pseudo bisexuality and definitely no song-playing with lyrics that can be misconstrued as a hidden message, no mention of any actual or possible past/present/future conquests and especially no passing comment on that guy in the next car’s beard. (This is if you care of course. You could do nothing and just be AWESOME.)
Another lover gained. Another buddy lost.
End it all now! Take me back take us back let’s be friends and confidantes and eat sandwiches together and speak about everything our jobs our imaginary careers that book we should write together how this film is so kak who we’d like to kiss how that girl looks like that weird one from that thing about my itchy skin allergy that no isn’t contagious where we should go next Sunday afternoon how I don’t like that one friend of yours about how boss nineties movies are about how cool the word boss is why isn’t it used anymore let’s bring it back that you prefer my hair reddish now that it’s dark how that Nandos by your house has really gone downhill why this sort of music is even made should we get tickets for that thing you never wear your glasses anymore is that shirt new weren’t we supposed to be doing something tonight instead of just sitting here in your house.
End it all.
Because all we talk about now… Is us.
And it’s killing me.
The worst of it is this boy’s outpouring of tumultuous passion, this jet stream of lust, his grand proclamations of perennial love that are beautiful and inspiring and are sometimes too much but sometimes just right are just a constant, torturous reminder that You. Just. Aren’t. Feeling. Anything.
Wait a minute… Hold the phone. Could it be…? Wait, here it comes… It’s coming! An epiphany! My epiphany! Do my ratty feelings on this whole subject all just mean that I… dear me, I… just want… to love..?
Of course! Should I just give in then? Just go for it? Oh, to requite! The pleasure! The cheek-numbing joy! The mind-deadening, brain-fucking bliss! How easy it all seems! How happy we would be! You are quite lovely really… We could move past my insecurities, we would be the most beautiful couple. We would go to braais together and all our friends would shake their heads and smile and say Ah we knew it and we would get an apartment after a few years and we could even eventually get married and have little kid-lings of ourselves who would have the best taste in music because we’d make them that way and we could grow old together and watch our granddaughter get married and then we would die, happy, sighing in each others arms, spent from our magical life, because that was what is and always was meant to be.
But, um… I just don’t see you that way.
If you're wondering, I found it on Thought Catalog, my new crack.